If my friend was nervous about joining the group, I would let them know I was too. I would tell them that the workshop was really helpful to me and that you only have to share as much as you are comfortable sharing. Everyone in the group is trying to get better and understands what you are going through.
-Anonymous participant CAPS Workshop
Group is so helpful!
-Anonymous participant of CAPS group
To me, although I had done a lot of research myself about anxiety and depression, the group helped a lot in validating my experiences. It was also nice to hear that other college students are struggling with the same things I am. It made me feel less alone.
-Anonymous participant CAPS Anxiety & Depression Reduction Workshop
Group made me feel like I wasn’t alone.
-Anonymous participant CAPS group
I was nervous about trying group because I have social anxiety and I thought that group would just highlight that & make it worse. I was pleasantly surprised that group did not do that but rather helped me overcome a lot of anxiety fears in a safe space.
–Anonymous participant of CAPS USO group
I received validation and reassurance that I was not alone in my struggles.
–Anonymous participant of CAPS USO group
It can be extremely hard to put yourself out there because of the fear of being made fun of, but group is a safe place. Everyone in group is going through similar things that you are going through and it’s nice to have that reassurance that you are not alone.
–Anonymous participant of CAPS USO group
I thoroughly enjoyed group and it really taught me a lot about myself and others.
–Anonymous participant of CAPS USO group
Having a group of people that you can relate to and find common ground with was helpful. They had different perspectives that helped me navigate some of the areas I was most uncomfortable with, especially those things dealing with confidence in my own ability.
–Anonymous participant of CAPS USO group
It is a little awkward at the beginning, but you get comfortable with the time.
–Anonymous participant of CAPS Anxiety & Depression Reduction Workshop
Groups were well guided, all discussions were important and really well-focused. I learned new perspectives and new ways to view myself and others.
–Anonymous participant of CAPS USO group
The techniques for anxiety helped me a lot!
–Anonymous participant of CAPS Anxiety & Depression Reduction Workshop
It is a safe place and it is always awkward during the first meeting, but after that it becomes more normal and also enjoyable where everyone is supporting each other.
–Anonymous participant of CAPS Anxiety & Depression Reduction Workshop
The feeling of community was the most helpful part of group for me.
–Anonymous participant of CAPS Graduate Student Support Group
The sense of community during this time (COVID) and also the skills I learned during this workshop about dealing with my anxiety and depression were most helpful!
–Anonymous participant of CAPS Anxiety & Depression Reduction Workshop
I think the group was extremely helpful in affirming my dignity as a graduate student.
–Anonymous participant of CAPS Graduate Student Support Group
Hesitant or nervous about trying group for the first time? These are all people going through your same situation – they will understand your struggles. Jump right in!
–Anonymous participant of CAPS Graduate Student Support Group
Feeling like I wasn’t alone with my problems and being able to talk about stuff with a third party was helpful!
–Anonymous participant of CAPS Women Supporting Women Group
I thought the Graduate Student Support Group was incredibly well done! – I honestly don’t know how it could be improved. It’s fantastic!
–Anonymous participant of CAPS Graduate Student Support Group