Do you spend more time than you would like to thinking about food, exercise, and/or changing the shape and size of your body? Would you like to explore the origin of body standards and find ways to fight against these harmful standards instead of fighting with your body? This group is a supportive space for students of ALL genders to explore their relationship to their body and how that relationship is constructed and affected by social systems. This group utilizes experiential activities and therapist-led conversations on the following topics to deconstruct and challenge body ideals.
- Body standards within family, culture and the world
- The body image spectrum (Moving from body positivity to body liberation and everything in between)
- The origins and risks of diet culture
- The effects of colonization on our relationship with our bodies and food
- How to treat your body with respect and care
The goal of the group is to help students spend less time being critical of their bodies and more time experiencing life in their bodies as they are today. Cultivating curiosity around these topics can lead to more authentic connections with others, and more time and brain space for the things that we love.
Requires an Initial Consultation & screening with group facilitator before starting.
Call 479-575-5276 to inquire about an Initial Consultation and Group Screener.